A. Answer any two from the following question in about 150
words 2×5=10

Q1 Briefly discuss how Sociological perspective about the social world varies from the common sensical understanding of the social world.

Answer: The sociological perspective is a way of viewing and understanding the social world that is different from the common-sense understanding of the social world. The key differences are as follows:

Systematic and Structural: The sociological perspective views society as a complex system of interrelated structures, patterns, and institutions, whereas common sense views society as a collection of individual actions and decisions.

Objective: The sociological perspective tries to maintain an objective and impartial stance, whereas common sense is often influenced by personal experiences and biases.

Focus on Social Forces: The sociological perspective focuses on the social forces and institutions that shape individuals’ experiences, behavior, and beliefs, whereas common sense focuses on individual choices and actions.

Collective Phenomena: The sociological perspective considers collective phenomena such as social movements, groups, and institutions as key components of society, whereas common sense often focuses on individual experiences and actions.

Historical and Cultural Context: The sociological perspective considers the historical and cultural context in which social phenomena occur, whereas common sense often ignores these factors.

In conclusion, the sociological perspective provides a systematic, objective, and structural understanding of the social world that highlights the role of social forces and institutions in shaping individuals’ experiences and behavior.

3. Explain the approach that aims at testing an existing theory.

Answer:-The approach that aims at testing an existing theory is called the deductive approach.

The deductive approach can be used as a tool for testing an existing theory. In this approach, the theory is used as a starting point, and the goal is to deduce predictions or implications from the theory and then compare them to empirical observations or data. If the observations or data match the predictions or implications derived from the theory, it provides evidence to support the validity of the theory. On the other hand, if the observations or data do not match the predictions or implications, it provides evidence to reject or revise the theory.

In this way, the deductive approach is a method of testing the internal consistency and logical coherence of a theory. It helps in verifying the predictions derived from a theory and determining its accuracy and usefulness. However, it should be noted that while the deductive approach can be useful in testing existing theories, it is not the only method, and other approaches such as the inductive approach or the empirical approach may also be used.

The deductive method is a method of reasoning in which conclusions are drawn from premises. In this method, the reasoning starts with a general principle or theory and moves to more specific and concrete conclusions. The deductive method is also known as “top-down” reasoning because it begins with general ideas and moves towards more specific ones.

In the deductive method, the conclusion must logically follow from the premises and if the premises are true, the conclusion must also be true. The deductive method is often used in mathematics, logic, and scientific investigation, where the goal is to deduce specific conclusions from general laws or theories. The deductive method is considered to be a reliable way of reasoning because the conclusion follows logically from the premises, making it less prone to errors or biases.

B. Answer one of the following questions within 75 words. Marks: 1X3=3

Q 1: Briefly discuss the mechanisms employed by your neighborhood to keep the surrounding clean.

Answer:-The mechanisms employed by a neighborhood to keep the surrounding clean can vary depending on the resources and policies available. However, some common mechanisms include:

a.Waste Management: This involves the collection, transport, and disposal of household waste and rubbish. Neighborhoods may have a designated waste management system in place to ensure that the waste is disposed of properly and the surroundings are kept clean.

b.Litter Control: Neighborhoods may employ measures to reduce litter, such as providing litter bins, implementing anti-littering campaigns, and imposing fines for littering.

c.Street Cleaning: Neighborhoods may employ street cleaning services to remove dirt, debris, and leaves from sidewalks, roads, and gutters, keeping the surroundings clean.

d.Community Involvement: Neighborhoods may encourage residents to participate in keeping the surroundings clean by organizing community clean-up events, providing resources and support, and promoting a sense of responsibility among residents.

e.Regulations: Neighborhoods may enforce regulations to keep the surroundings clean, such as restrictions on dumping waste in public places, penalties for littering, and requirements for maintaining the cleanliness of private property.

In conclusion, a neighborhood may employ a combination of these mechanisms to keep the surrounding clean and maintain a healthy and attractive environment for its residents.

2:Discuss the significance of keeping the neighborhood clean.

Answer: Keeping a neighborhood clean has several important benefits, including:

Health and Sanitation: A clean neighborhood helps maintain good health and hygiene by reducing the risk of disease transmission and promoting clean and safe living conditions.

Aesthetic Value: A clean neighborhood adds aesthetic value, creating an attractive and welcoming environment for residents, visitors, and businesses.

Economic Benefits: A clean neighborhood can increase property values, attract businesses, and boost the local economy, creating a virtuous cycle of growth and improvement.

Environmental Benefits: A clean neighborhood helps reduce environmental pollution, conserve natural resources, and preserve wildlife habitats.

Community Pride: A clean neighborhood promotes a sense of pride and responsibility among residents, encouraging community involvement and social cohesion.

Crime Reduction: A clean neighborhood can reduce crime and antisocial behavior, creating a safer and more secure environment for residents.

In conclusion, keeping a neighborhood clean is important for the health, well-being, and prosperity of residents and the wider community. By promoting clean and attractive surroundings, neighborhoods can create a positive environment that benefits all its residents and stakeholders.

By Admin

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